Sunday, March 1, 2009

Why we want Obama to succeed.

It is very frustrating to watch illogical fanatic forces trying to dominate the world. Logic and reason look powerful in theory. In the actual world the corrupt and selfish people keep winning. Every fool knows that we have to take steps to save the environment. Drastic changes in climate can happen in a lifetime, we all know it. We all knew that the American offensive in Afghanistan could be a telling blow to terrorism. The whole world could have rallied behind the USA.
But we saw the focus shifting. Iraq war was imposed for no specific reason. It is widely believed to have profited large American corporations. It shifted the pressure from where it was needed most. We saw the president of the most powerful nation of the world in denial of the affects of reckless industrialization. There were open double standards like different laws for different people.
For things to improve at least we should know what’s theoretically correct. Obama has been making the right kind of noises till now. His speeches have been music to ears. Almost too good to be true. I have seen people having honesty and integrity succeeding in life. The task by his own admission is not easy. His stimulus package may not be successful. Many see him flouting the basic rules of capitalism to keep capitalism in business. Good money chasing the bad money. Imposing sanctions and conditions for government help.
Still all of us desperately want him to succeed. For he represents the free world. Honesty, integrity, family values, vision and candid admission of facts. We are all far more comfortable with a powerful America than Russia or China or Islamic nations dominating the world. He represents true secularism and freedom from caste, creed and colour of the skin. Lets all pray that what he says he can do. That’s what he said.
Yes we can!
Can he?

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